femmes – chantiers


Co-programmed by Rebecca Ladida and Jean-François Prost

Event as part of CHANTIER

A project by Jean-François Prost with collaborators, presented by Skol


Co-programmed by Rebecca Ladida and Jean-François Prost

Artists : Ève Constantin, Janie Julien-Fort, Jess Slipp, Johnny Forever  with soundtrack by Gamletron, Julie-Isabelle Laurin, Karen Trask, Lucie Rocher, Lamathilde, Laurence Beaudoin Morin, Lucie Rocher.


July 6th, 2024, (*postponed to Sunday, July 7 in case of rain)

Starting at 7:00 PM :

Aperitif: bar and music

at dusk (around 8:45-9:00 PM) :



Project Description:

Two enthusiasts of spaces, Ladida and Prost, with extensive experience in spatial and social practices, seek to explore the possible variations of this dual theme.  femmes (women): written in italics and lowercase to avoid any essentialism, thus paving the way for a more inclusive and queer understanding of the term in our diverse linguistic cultures. chantiers (worksites): through attentive listening to the sensitivities and practices specific to the worksite such as surveillance, bodily interventions, oblique gestures, attitudes, glances, styles, the gendered construction of self, as well as the diversion of materials and construction methods.
