La fête

For this anniversary edition, Art Souterrain has called upon Eddy Firmin (Quebec), Ayrson Heráclito (Brazil) and Jean-François Prost (Quebec) to curate some 30 artistic projects on the theme of the party.
“Parties are entanglements of actions, gestures, and details that influence our experience of space. Uprooted from everyday life, our minds are, for the moment, projected to a fantastic elsewhere. Flooded with light, sound, movement, shifting atmospheres, and gathered bodies, these are sites to be reinvented, between utopia and reality. The party often arises from the appropriation of various environments—neglected, underutilized, indefinite, banal, domestic, or strictly functional—that lend themselves to an emancipatory drift without a preconceived purpose. From all that night and the city offer to our capacity for exploration, the party rises up and asserts itself, occasioning fortuitous encounters. Transgressing established limits and celebrating incongruity engenders another world, heterogeneous and undisciplined, where it is still possible for us to come together with all our differences.”

La fête, Jean-François Prost, éditions VU, 2021

Art souterrain / program

