Instead of the individual adapting to the environment,in this case the urban context, it is the urban context that is asked to redraw itself relationally — this is an adaptation of the context, not to it.1


Adaptive Actions based in Montreal and initiated in London in 2007 by Jean-François Prost explores alterations in the workplace, the home and public spaces in general. Identifying the variety of these personal and found alterations in the city as different forms of adaptation creates a vocabulary for the expression of the collective imagination, through the existing urban structures therein. These ‘actions’ modify and activate the intended use of architecture and enhance the character of urban environments. They create positive tensions that test the limits of tolerated appropriation. Can these simple actions, images and ideas, such as the hybridisation of conventional and unusual urban realities, infiltrate our collective imagination to promote feelings of identity and a sense of cultural belonging?

Adaptive Actions points to how urban phenomena impact on residents’ perception of the environment and their relation to it. By offering a space to share experiences, ideas, forms of actions and specific accomplishments, Adaptive Actions creates an inventory of alterations rarely visible to the public. Printed documents and organised events are being planned to increase visibility of the selected actions to the public eye, and build affiliations and communal thinking.


1Action Fragments for the City – Interview Brian Massumi, Adaptive Actions – Madrid, AA publications, 2010-11

Adaptive Actions
729A Bloomfield
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2V 3S4


Adaptive Actions


Adaptive Actions and collaborators 

Founder and artistic director

Jean-François Prost

Montréal Collaborators

Marie Pier Boucher, Jean-Maxime Dufresne

Madrid Collaborator

Gema Melgar

Mexico Collaborator

Marlon García

Web site design and realisation

Patrick Vezina, Thanh Truc Trinh, 
Feed & Jean-François Prost

Publication committee 2010-2014

Marie Pier Boucher, Jean-Maxime Dufresne, Gema Melgar, Frank Nobert, Jean-François Prost

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons licence (Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 France)

With the essential support of AA collaborators and actors and:

Tokyo :
TWS (Tokyo Wonder Site)
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec –

Délégation du Québec à Tokyo 
Mexico :
Canada Council for the Arts (travel)
SRE, Mexico
MUAC (Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo), Mexico, DF


BNL/MTL 2014

Canada Council for the Arts

Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec 
(Actions & workshops HETEROPOLIS)

Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Close Closer 2013 (Heteropolis workshop and launch) 
Galerie Leonard Bina Ellen Art Gallery : Hétéropolis book launch and workshop. 
Art Souterrain : Heteropolis, Below the Surface, action in the Montréal Underground City
Private donations for the Heteropolis book print.


Leonard Bina Ellen Art Gallery 
(Heteropolis book + De/program project)

Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec 
(Heteropolis book)

DARE-DARE (AA – Tijuana)


AA – Madrid
Madrid Abierto (Camp AA – Madrid)

Matadero Madrid
Canada Council for the Arts – Inter-arts office

Bureau du Québec à Barcelone
(Québec Government in Barcelona)

AA – Montréal 
Leonard Bina Ellen Art Gallery
(Camp AA – Concordia University)

AA – London (publication AA UK)
SPACE, Hackney, London (production)
Délégation générale du Québec à Londres – 
Québec Government in London (production)
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (travel)
Adaptive Actions 

AA – London
SPACE, (Hackney, London),
Visual Arts, Canada Council for the Arts – International Residency Program, London
Canada House Foundation (London)
Liverpool Biennial